Extending the crawler with helpers

The crawlster library makes very easy to extend the functionality of the crawler through helpers. A helper is only a utility class that is attached to the crawler instance.

Core helpers:

  • crawlster.helpers.RequestsHelper available as http.
  • crawlster.helpers.UrlsHelper available as urls.
  • crawlster.helpers.ExtractHelper available as extract.
  • crawlster.helpers.StatsHelper available as stats.
  • crawlster.helpers.LoggingHelper available as log.
  • crawlster.helpers.QueueHelper available as queue.
  • crawlster.helpers.RegexHelper available as regex.

Create your own helper

In order to create your own helper to enhance your crawler with super powers you need to subclass the crawlster.helpers.BaseHelper base class.

Then you can start implementing the functionality you need.


There is no required method that has to be overwritten, but there are some methods that can be overwritten to act as hooks. So far the only two available hooks are

  • crawlster.helpers.BaseHelper.initialize() that performs actions on crawler start.
  • crawlster.helpers.BaseHelper.finalize() that performs actions on crawler stop (when there are no more items to process).


Helpers can take advantage of the configuration system the library provides by providing the config_options attribute, a mapping of option name and option value.


The two attributes that are available inside the helper are config and crawler.

The config attribute will hold the Configuration instance used to initialize the crawler. You can get values from the configuration using the self.config.get(option_name) method.

The crawler attribute holds the current crawler instance through which the helper can access other helpers. Although it is recommended to make the helper as independent as possible, sometimes you would need to use the functionality already provided by some already existent helper (stats aggregation, logging, etc).

Attaching the helper to the crawler

In the crawler definition, provide the helper instance as a class attribute

class MyCrawler(Crawlster):

    my_helper = MyHelperClass()

# ...

def some_step(self, url):
    # ...
    # ...