
Configuration is managed via the config attribute of the crawler class.

The following configuration methods are available:

Configuration keys

Configuration keys are populated from all helpers when the crawling starts.

The following configuration keys are the default:

  • core.start_urls - a list of urls that will be firstly processed in the start step. Is required.
  • core.workers - the number of worker threads to be used. Defaults to the number of CPU core.

Each helper defines some extra configuration options, usually under the name helper_name.option_name.


The basic configuration:

config = Configuration({
    'core.start_step': 'my_custom_step',
    'core.workers': 10,
    'core.start_urls': ['', '']

Json configuration:

config = JsonConfiguration('config.json')

# config.json

    "core.start_step": "my_custom_step",
    "core.workers": 10,
    "core.start_urls": ["", ""]

We then pass the configuration object on the crawler class initialisation

configuration = Configuration(...)
crawler = MyCrawlerClass(configuration)

This is very useful when we need to reuse the same crawler to crawl multiple sites and only some configuration differs.