crawlster - small and light web crawlers

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A simple, lightweight web crawling framework


  • HTTP crawling
  • Various data extraction methods (regex, css selectors, xpath)
  • Very configurable and extensible

What is crawlster?

Crawlster is a web crawling library designed to build lightweight and reusable web crawlers. It is very extensible and provides many shortcuts for the most common tasks in a web crawler, such as HTTP request sending and parsing and info extraction.

It was created out of need of a lighter framework for web crawling, as an alternative to Scrapy.


From PyPi:

pip install crawlster

From source:

git clone
cd crawlster
python install

Quick example

This is the hello world equivalent for this library:

import crawlster
from crawlster.handlers import JsonLinesHandler

class MyCrawler(crawlster.Crawlster):
    # items will be saved to items.jsonl
    item_handler = JsonLinesHandler('items.jsonl')

    def step_start(self, url):
        resp = self.http.get(url)
        # we select elements with the expression and we are interested
        # only in the 'href' attribute. Also, we get only the first result
        # for this example
        events_uri = self.extract.css(resp.text, '#events > a', attr='href')[0]
        # we specify what method should be called next
        self.schedule(self.step_events_page, self.urls.join(url, events_uri))

    def step_events_page(self, url):
        resp = self.http.get(url)
        # We extract the content/text of all the selected titles
        events = self.extract.css(resp.text, 'h3.event-title a', content=True)
        for event_name in events:
            # submitting items to be processed by the item handler
            self.submit_item({'event': event_name})

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # defining the configuration
    config = crawlster.Configuration({
        # the start pages
        'core.start_urls': [''],
        # the method that will process the start pages
        'core.start_step': 'step_start',
        # to see in-depth what happens
        'log.level': 'debug'
    # starting the crawler
    crawler = MyCrawler(config)
    # this will block until everything finishes
    # printing some run stats, such as the number of requests, how many items
    # were submitted, etc.

Running the above code will fetch the event names from and save them in a items.jsonl file in the current directory.

For more advanced usage, consult the documentation.


A helper is a utility class that provides certain functionality. The Crawlster class requires the .log, .stats, .http and .queue helpers to be provided (and are by default) for internal behaviour. These are called core helpers

Also, besides the core helpers, the Crawlster class also provides the .urls, .extract and .regex helpers for common tasks.

You can also create other helpers and attach them to the crawler to enhance it.


Current version

  • Work in progress

Indices and tables